[dds] - Services - Sound Editing:
Digital Design Studios sound editing services offer
professional results for your personal, business or production needs. We can digitize
your analog audio (including records (78, 45 and 33.3 rpm), cassette tapes and 8-Tracks),
edit it and export it to cassette, CD or DVD. We specialize in audio editing and
conversion from almost any format to MP3, WAV, AIFF and other formats as well as CD Audio.
We can also prepare your audio for web publishing, including downloadable clips and
streaming content.
Pricing varies depending on the type of service desired. We greatly urge you to contact
us with your specific needs so that we may more accurately estimate your project. However,
we generally charge $65 per billable hour for most audio editing services. Final products,
such as CD's and DVD's of content may vary from $1-$25 each depending on type of product.
We also offer voice over and other audio services. We can do voice overs for any project
as well as create custom, professional voice services for radio or TV advertising as well
as other announcing needs. Pricing may vary but starts from $199 per 30 seconds completed
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